Stand Up To Cancer raises awareness and funds research to detect and treat cancers with the aspiration to cure all patients. SU2C is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and was initially launched in 2008 as a division of the Entertainment Industry Foundation.
We believe humanity stands at a tipping point in the struggle against cancer. Lifesaving discoveries are within our grasp, unfolding at research centers across the country and around the world. We hold ourselves accountable to help push the course of research toward revolutionary breakthroughs that can save lives, now and in the future.
We envision a future where every cancer is caught in time to be cured, and where survivors can enjoy life without fear of recurrence.
Stand Up To Cancer has set a bold goal to make early-stage detection an essential part of the standard of care for all cancers. By doing so we will reduce cancer deaths by 25% in five years and 50% in 10 years.
📝 About SU2C